A Framework for Focus and Follow Through

Effective execution of any change to the organization takes a clear understanding of what we want to accomplish, a defined pathway forward, and metrics to tell us if we are on track to our destination.

The 3Ms Framework

  • Mission: Why are we doing this? What do we seek to accomplish in pursuing our mission? How will our organization be better for making this change?

  • Method: Where are we now in our performance in this area? What steps will help us to achieve the outcomes we are seeking? What people, systems, and resources will it take to get there?

  • Measurement: What metrics will tell us we have accomplished our mission? How will we track them? When will we discuss them?

SAMPLE | Designing Our Next Steps Class Using The 3Ms

(our) MISSION: What do we want for a person who participates in our class(es)?

  • Discipleship and understanding of being a follower of Jesus? 

  • Discovery of the church and their individual gifts? 

  • Deployment of their gifts in a setting where they are being developed?

(our) METHOD: What content, structure, schedule, and systems will enable participants to effectively engage?

  • How much will we communicate and teach? 

  • What is the best format for participants to connect, learn, and activate?

  • What kind of culture (environment, community, assistance) will we uphold?

(our) MEASUREMENT: What will tell us that our class is effective? How and when will we measure effectiveness?

  • Completion of the Next Steps Class? 

  • Enrollment in Next Steps such as baptisms, daily prayer, groups, and teams?

  • Will we create a live report, circulate a report, meet and discuss monthly?

  • How will we support people who have started, but not completed Next Steps?

  • How will we engage and understand people who have started, but not completed, the process?


  • Change Takes Intentionality and Time

  • Commit to a thoughtful implementation.

  • Observe your new processes and regularly review your metrics.

  • Make adjustments when needed, but don’t abandon the mission!

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