Current Trends In the Church


We get asked a lot about what we see as the biggest challenge churches are experiencing right now. As we look at the trends shaping the church today, it's clear that many congregations are responding to a complex and rapidly changing landscape. Churches are facing both challenges and opportunities that require intentional responses. This resource highlights key trends we're observing and offers insights into how other churches have adapted and are thriving in this season of change.



01 | LEADERSHIP GAP: There continues to be a lack of quality leadership and staff across churches, causing difficulties in managing and growing congregations.

02 | LIMITED PARTICIPATION: The passing trend of equating evangelism with invitation, and participation with attendance has left people viewing church from a consumer mindset, leading to lower engagement in volunteering, attendance, and giving.

03 | ECONOMIC CONDITIONS: As people’s participation has slowed and economic conditions have increased, financial constraints have required churches to meet growing ministry demands with fewer resources.



01 | VISION FOR LEADERSHIP: Thriving churches are distributing leadership within the church community to manage care and oversight effectively. These lay leaders help create and execute strategies for future church growth and continued discipleship.

02 | RETURN TO DISCIPLESHIP: Many churches have noticed the disillusionment people feel from shallow information and are creating more opportunities and environments to provide foundational theology and Biblical training.

03 | EQUIPPING TEAM MEMBERS: Churches that leverage team member training with a more holistic development approach—going beyond just tasks to developing leadership in their work, home, and relationships—experience greater commitment and longer engagement. This investment reinforces that the church is “for them” rather than simply needing something “from them.”

04 | AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIPS: While technology has its place and expedites information transfer, nothing replaces deep, meaningful relationships in bringing people to faith and fostering their growth within the church.

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